The inside story..keeping it all together

If there’s one area of communications which has had to make a particular effort to remain strong during this period of lockdowns and enforced isolations it is that of internal communications.

Internal relationships are the glue that holds an organisation together. They are the strength of an organisation’s culture and the building blocks of its reputation. Members with a strong sense of belonging and involvement in an organisation will sing its praises far and wide while those who feel disconnected, disenfrachised or dis-satisfied will be just as loud in expounding its every shortcoming.

Many good organisational systems and practices have been developed over the years to ensure that relationships and reputations remain strong as motivating and binding forces. Fast forward to the current environment, however, with staff working remotely and choosing to minimise face to face interation, and many organisations find themsleves struggling to maintain relationships at a time when they are more important than ever. Technology has just not proven adequate as a replacement for all of our face to face meetings.

Perhaps the most important communication channel that has been lost is the “grapevine” – along with the lunchroom, restroom or “water cooler conversations” which once supported it. It is at the very time that informal peer support is most needed that it has been lost – along with the ability to “stay up with the goss” which is essential to maintaining a strong sense of “belonging”.

Now that things are finally getting back to normal, we need to re-affirm our internal relationships and one of the best tools for this is the good old office picnic.

Held, in accordance with tradition, at a location of natural beauty, the picnic provides opportunities for as much closeness or distancing as one feels comfortable with while still fostering the “group” atmosphere.

Some can gather together around picnic table, those who feel more comfortable doing so can keep themsleves a little distant – though still within earshot of the conversation and a part of the group. Some may pair up and wander away for a private “tete a tete” – others might wander off alone to gather their thoughts – the view providing a perfect excuse to do so. Someone is bound to bring out a ball to kick around – just the thing to unwind and recharge the batteries.

Food is expected at a picnic but to eliminate any stress regarding sharing or comparing it could be “bring your own pizza” or something similar. No need for formal speeches if it doesn’t feel right. Mother nature will say all that needs to be said.

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